Rubina is now sixteen but she looks more younger
than her actual age. She is a calm and quite girl.
When she studies she sit on the bed and
concentrate. She can instantly memorize anything
she once read. It was charm of her life. People say
its miracle. When I first met her she was only
twelve. I was wondered that a little girl had such a
mania about snakes. It might have been a term in
psychology by which she can be called but I had
no idea about it. We both studied in a school. She
was calm and quite and I was talkative. She never
talked anything with me except snakes. Yes she
was a different girl. She said snake is the only
reptiles who has the right to live on earth. Human
is selfish. So they should be annihilated. One day
she called me to her house just before O level exam
had started. When I was very busy with my study
she was playing with her crayons. She was drawing
pictures of snakes. "Oh my god! What are you
doing? Its time to study!"
"you are shit headed!"She said. "you need to study
a lot. I just need to watch and and memorize my
I laughed out loud, "you memorize with your
tongue? Not with the head?"
"yes." she said, "you human remember with your
head we dont."
"you what?"
"Fuck! You are in your zombi mind. All shit and
haggard. You believe in all bullshit triangle? You
believe in archcode? Serpent passion?" I went out
of my mind. Rage engulfed me in serpentine spiral.
She laughed, "I do fully. And you are talking to the
princes Scorpi, lower your head before I sting you."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Twelve days gone and I went into truly good exams
in O level. When the result was on board I was
wondered. I secured only 4 As out of 6 papers. But
Rubina secured 6 As. Still I had no wish to meet
her again. She was just a piece of loathfull dog tard
on the beautiful balcony to me. I did not look bad
at all from any corner. All the girls like my face.
They said I have something in my eyes that pains
them as well wins them. I did not care about what
they said about me. I know I did not look like a
prince at all.
Before A level admission one day Rubina phoned
and called me urgently to her house.
"You do not want to chatter on your bloody snake
head, do you?" I did not miss to blow her as with
storm. She looked at me feebly but did not say
anything. I sat at the corner of the bed in her room.
"you have a bloody snake head but I dont have. I
need to study hard to score or you can say to just
pass in the exam. Tell me quickly what you gotta
She seemed coiled like a rattle snake. Very
reluctant to speak out. She closed the door from
inside and locked it. "My father has gone to
Singapore so my mother has gone home with my
little sister. I am living because I need to talk to
"About what?"
She sighed deeply " About a very important matter
that can draw a line between life and death."
"About zombi?" I asked.
"About serpi."
"I knew you will start like this. " I woke up and
started towards the door. I opened the door and
stepped on the staircase. I could barely put the first
or second step when I sprang away from the fearful
sight. Two rattle snakes were patiently awaited on
the staircase. I jumped back in and locked the door
again. "What the hell is going on here! You zombi
little bitch!"
She did not smile or laugh. Seemed to me that she
was fully tensed with something. " please sit down.
Something bad is going to happen to us." she said.
I viewed her face with my double sped heartbeats,
"what bad! What in gods name you mean by this?"
" I was very interested about snakes you know
Tuhin. And that has brought me to the end of my
life." Rubina said looking at my eyes. Her eyes
were teeming with tears. "My liking had turned to
fascinaton and from fascination to wonderment and
from wonderment to worshiping. Yes, I started to
worship the snake god Sanjana king. I did not
know that the result would turn so fearfully. My
prayer was granted but now I have got to die."
"Yes Tuhin, I have got to die. But now I understand
how beautiful the life is to realize to the bottom. I
misunderstood the meaning of life. I just wanted to
let you know how I am dying. The rule is the two
rattle snake will bite me shortly. And I will die. I
am sorry if I hurt you."
I ran towards the kitchen when I was shocked
again. Another two king Cobras were sitting idly on
the sink. Their heads were kept on the coiled body.
I ran away to Rubina, "Why you are not going away
from this hell Rubina? You are not gonna die!
Leave now!"
Rubina smilled, "They wont let me live Tuhin. I
wanted snake power in any condition and the
prayer was granted. Now Snake god Sanjana wont
let me live. "
"Fuck your Sanjana!" I shouted out loud, "lets go
with me. I will kill them all."
"You cant. How many will you kill?"
"They are millions in numbers."
I ran towards the door again. Opened it and froze. I
saw that two rattle snakes were sitting here couple
of minutes ago. Now there were many of them.
Eleven, nineteen, thirty one.....I stopped counting.
Seeing me they instantly raged toward. Impatience
awaken in them. I blasted closed the door and ran
towards her. "we have to go away from here. Now!"
I saw a little glimps of hope in her eyes. Rubina
raised her face to me. "They are waiting at the
door. How will you go from here?"
I ran towards the window. Opened it and looked
down. It was a six storied building and we were on
the fourth. It was very high to jump from here. We
would certainly die once jumped falling on the very
uneven surfaces. I only saw two palm trees raised
high enough to reach near the window. That was
the last hope in me that dragged my feet to her.
"We need to jump and hold the tree to crawl down.
I said but before she answered I heard something
had fallen in the kitchen. I could sense that two
Cobras were coming down from the sink to bite
her. I could sense something started to scratch on
the locked door. The time had come. They could
perceive the thought that was running across our
Rubinas jaw dropped. Suddenly she said, "Tuhin,
help me. I do not want to die."
"Come Rubina!" I cried helplessly, "we have to
We both ran towards the window. That two fierce
looking Cobras from the kitchen were running
towards us. This was our last hope to live in this
beautiful world of love and sorrows. I will help you
Rubina. To live to love till death do us part.....

POINT OF NO RETURN (Chapter two)............by

Tuhin Rahman


No more time! No more time!! my mind told me

as if thunder roared near my ear. Go away from
here. Life is very precious. Save it from evil. I
jumped on the window sill and looked down.
The palm tree was one and a half metres away
from the window. If once missed I will drop
down and die on the uneven surface. How could
Rubina do that! I dragged her on the window
sill. She was almost numb with fear and with
preparation to die.
"Jump Rubina Jump." I was about to push her
but stopped. She was not prepared to jump. I
looked at her eyes. There was fear now. She
wanted to live now. "Jump Rubina!"
Rubina stood still. I looked at the back, in the
room. The two cobra from the kitchen were
fiercely running toward us as if on command of
someone. They needed just couple of seconds
to reach us. I did not wait.I pushed her forward.
To Embrace thepalm tree and Hold it tightly
with your breast or to die. Rubina seemed
hanged in air for a fraction of a second then
unimaginably slammed over the palm tree and
held it tightly.I saw the downside her arm gone
tapped with the uneven surface of the palm tree
as she tried to hold it. Blood was dripping
down. Then I jumped and the same moment one
of the two cobras jumped to snap me. With the
corner of my eye I saw a rope like something
whipped and missed me for an inch or two.
"Go down Rubina," It was very hard for me to
grab the tree tightly because I was fallen on her
body. Rubina crawled downwards as I tooka
deep breath and tried to calm my nerves. But I
could not. I saw a dozen of snakes entering into
that narrow lane where we were hanging on. I
was frozen with that bizarre scene and a cold
shivering held me tightly.
"Rubina they are coming!" I cried out loudly,"
look at the lane. They are in dozens. Go go
My sense returned when I was running away
from the blind lane crossing a wall leaving
Rubina just at my back. She was falling behind
but afalse hope to survive dragged her feet
behind me. It was neither running nor walking.
We were running in a bad dream.....towards a
snake free world.
A new information reached in the afternoon at
the head quarter of SSB (Special Squad of
Bangladesh). The Leader was not there so the
FAX erupted a long sheet of papers on his table.
The information said IT IS UNKNOWN AND
Around six in the evening General Esam
Chowdhury entered into the room and read the
message with a frown on his eyebrows. He
instantly ordered his two agent Mina and Sisir
to investigate the matter.
Mina and Shisir went to the place where snakes
were observed first. People of that area told
them the area was fully covered with snakes.
But they could not find any one of them. People
could not say where the snakes had gone but
they said all the snakes had targeted a mansion
named, DIAMOND VILLA. Mina and Shisir went
to DIAMOND VILLA and found no sign of
snakes. But they later found some marks which
led them to believe that snakes were there.
They went up on the third floor to find some
bite marks on the wooden door. At some places
the wood came off with the severe biting of
anything. They knocked on the door but no
answer came from inside. When after fifth time
knocking no answer came from inside Mina
decided to break in.
Mina fired at the lock with her Pistol and jerked
open the door. They foundan opened window
and some evidence that someone climbed down
from the window.
"Strange!" Said Shisir,"we should immediately
go to leader to report. Take some snaps of the
room, Mina. It seems that this is the place
where all strange things started to happen."
"Cant be!" General Esam Chowdhury said
thoughtfully. "Ok go into further investigation
and report me by tomorrow."
"He is always like this." Said Shisir when they
were out of the room."He thinks all the rooms
are battle ground. Search and kill."
Mina was thinking deeply. She raised her face
and said,"we are searching for a fake thing.
Lots of snakes cant be our headache. It is a
simple matterand will stop simply."
But it was not stopped simply. From another
part of Dhaka came news: SAVAR IS UNDER
"What is that?" Asked Shisir."Lets go there to
see what is going on."
A car was speeding so fast. It took a turn and
stopped near a big field. Rubina pushed the
brake hard and parked the car on the grassy
field."Tuhin, we are safe here. They are
faraway. A snake cant run so fast. They will
take some time. At least two hours. I am
I opened the door and got off. This was a silent
place. I turned my head and found nothing
around. No shop or no house was there."Why
you have come here Rubina?"
Rubina looked at me,"What do you mean?"
"I mean why you have come here? Are you
yourself or by command of someone....."
Rubina was nodding her head fearfully. Her eyes
wide open,"snake! come in!"
Two big cobras jumped on the windshield and
started to snap again and again. I could not get
in when Rubina pushed the accelerator and the
car jumped forward. I was thrown aside. The
car spin like a top and suddenly started to lean
on one side. I got up to my feet and
shouted,"Rubina be careful!" But it was late.
The car was turned upside down. The wheels
were moving in the same speed. I started to run
to the car. I knew the two snake would finish
her shortly. "Come out Rubina.....Come out of
the car and run....."


PART 3.........

The upturned car lied motionless. When I
became conscious I saw I was running towards
the car and shouting, “get out Rubina, get out
of the car!”
I noticed her trying to get out of the car. She
was trying in vain. The doors were locked from
inside. She was completely out of her wit as
she was hanging from the driving seat upside
down. I kicked the window glass and the glass
was shattered. I reached my hand inside and
opened the lock, “get out Rubina!”
Rubina crawled out of the car. She was
trembling in stress and fear. I turned my head
and to my freak I saw at a distance grasses
were moving in the field. Snakes were coming
to bite Rubina. And they would not miss me to
bite as well.
Mina looked at the map in the GPS screen. The
red dot was coming closer. But it was still 32
miles in distance.
"Satellite is still searching us. We need to turn
off the receiver." She said to Shisir. "I want not
to be commanded untill I can see the end. What
do you say?"
Shisir turned off the receiver and smiled at her.
"Now we are our operators. We do not need the
leaders command. "
I took hold of her hand while running. Our legs
were the only help for us. We knew, once
stopped and die. We were running on the green
meadow that was turning grey in late afternoon
light. Where to go? I did not know where we
were going. Rubina told me her uncle had a
summer house somewhere here. But I knew
now she was unable to find it out. We were
running but it was like to and fro. Around us as
far I could see there were no house. I could see
only jungles and trees.
"We need to change direction or we will die." I
said running,held her hand tight. "We must not
enter the jungle."
"There is the house." Rubina shouted back.
"The house is not safe at all." I opened my
mouth wide to take more breath. I perspired.
"Why we are going there?"
Rubina stopped running. Looked at my face.
"What is the safe place on earth for two of us
when snake god is angry!"
"Fuck your snake god!" I slapped her face with
the back of my palm.
She looked at me, wondered. A hand went up to
touch the cheek where I hit. Eyes wide open.
"You can risk your life. Not mine." I said to her
as if I was chewing my teeth. "I am trying to
save you and it does not mean I worshiped your
motherfucking snake god! You gotta believe it I
don't. If your son of a bitch snake god thinks
me a servant like you I will kill him right away."
"You can leave me." Rubina said as if she was
hurt. "here."
I looked at her face. Her eyes were glittered
with diamond drops. In the last rays of the sun
the drops turned yellowish red. I hold her hand
again and whispered, "No Rubina, I won't let
you die here. Let's go. If you have to die I will
die too. Fight with your snake god! You never
say god again. It is a demon. A satan."
Esam Chowdhury entered into the room and hit
on the oak table with his fist fiercely. He looked
at the three faces in anguish,"I don't know
what you do whole day in your office room. All
seem slept in the duty hours, don't you?"
Their neck dropped. None could utter a word
before that hefty man.
"How did it happen?" Leader asked.
Sunit raised his face, "It was not our fault,sir.
They are simply vanished."
"Simply vanished! Good! you chewed mango
leaves watching the screen?"
The heads dropped again.
"Okay Okay. No more showing respect or
shyness. Send Ovy to me."
"He is not in the office,sir"
"Where is he?"
"We don't know,sir."
We entered the jungle. Dark and venomous.
Silent breeze whispered before our ear reminded
us the news of death. How close it was to us!
Though running our lungs demanded more air
and tongue and throat entwined for some drops
of water.
The night fell over us. The jungle seemed to
have no end. We were running forever.
Finally it was ended and before us stood an old
castle-looking building.
"That is." said Rubina. "My uncle's
"A ghost house." I said. "Are you sure that is is
your uncle's?"
"I came here twice."
"Okay Okay, he must be able to solve this
We ran towards the house.
In the middle of the meadows the grasses were
stormed down with so many snakes. It seemed
that they were fighting each other and making a
hissing sound. There were many types snakes.
All venomous. If you closely looked at them you
could see all were running toward the same
house where Tuhin and Rubina had been
The car took a turn and Mina perked it near a
Banyan tree. The red beep came nearer. They
decided not to go more.
"The satellite found something in that place."
She said. "Are you sure the dot is moving?"
"Yes that is moving." Shisir said. He looked at
the screen sideways. He took his Beretta from
the glove compartment and put in the holster.
It was loaded with 16 bullets.
"Watch it Shisir!" Mina almost shouted and
fingered at the screen.
Shisir looked at the screen and found another
red dot was moving towards the previous red
dot. Then a third dot started to entered into the
screen."My god!they all are here!"
"What!" Mina cried out loud.
"Snakes!" Shisir whispered as if in fear. "The
satellite is interpreting the red dots as a group
of snakes."
I knocked at the old oak wood door of the
house. The knock seemed to me as blows on it.
In the silent environment the sound seemed
unfamiliar and bizarre. There was no light in the
building. I knocked again.But none replied from
inside. I put my ear on the door. Tried to listen
if Icould hear anything from inside. There was
no sound in the building. No I was wrong. There
was sound. Something like a man was walking
I knocked again. "No one is inside." I said to
Rubina. "We cant go back."
"We won't" She said. "We have to stay here."
Oh how stupid I was. I did not see that a white
paper was glued on the door. I could not read
it. It is very dark here. I took out a cigarette
lighter from my pant and lit it. The paper said:
I finished reading when I heard something at
my back. Rubina jumped and looked at her
back. At the verge of the forest the grasses are
moving. "They are here." Said Rubina and
looked at me.
I pushed the door. Suddenly it did not move. I
pushed again. No. It is a fake letter. The door
was locked from inside. I jerked back again.
From another direction came the same sound.
The grasses all around us seemed smashing.
Rubina stood still and whispered,"we are
surrounded, Tuhin. Let's die together."
"No,"I said strongly, "I won't die with their
poison. I will fight."


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